Headaches and Physical Therapy
Headaches! We all have them. Some are just annoying dull aching that we experience occasionally, but some can be intense and debilitating. Some people get headaches when they are tired or hungry. Certain foods can…
Headaches! We all have them. Some are just annoying dull aching that we experience occasionally, but some can be intense and debilitating. Some people get headaches when they are tired or hungry. Certain foods can…
The Start Line It's 5:15 Saturday morning, and my alarm goes off. I packed the car last night after putting the race numbers on my bike, helmet, and running belt. I creep downstairs not to…
Swimming Without Shoulder Pain Warm weather is finally here, and with that burst of sunshine comes pool season! Swimming is one of the best full-body exercises you can do, but you can start to develop…
Sports-Related Injuries in Children When kids return to sport in the Spring, this usually marks the beginning of an intense season that often continues right through until September. Many kids have already been going full…